IntroductionAd Dynamo International has concluded a funding agreement with InVenFin (Pty) Ltd., which sees InVenFin providing venture capital funding to Ad Dynamo in return for equity.
About Ad DynamoAd Dynamo was founded by Entelligence Limited.
Sean Riley takes on the role of Chief Executive Officer of Ad Dynamo, whose head office is in Cape Town. Ad Dynamo operates a pay per click advertising solution, which offers advertisers a cost effective means to market themselves online.
Ad Dynamo has already achieved a notable presence in South Africa, with some key advertisers and website publishers already partnering with the company. Future plans include rollout into International markets and the introduction of innovative advertising solutions that give both advertisers and website owners flexibility and choice.
The Ad Dynamo product offeringAd Dynamo provides website operators with the ability to earn revenue from advertising on their websites. Any website can place a small snippet of code on their web page which delivers advertising onto the web page and the website owner starts earning revenue immediately. Revenues are shared transparently with website operators.
Ad Dynamo sources advertisers, allowing them to bid on keywords relevant to their products. These advertisements are then contextually delivered to the most relevant web pages, ensuring a non-intrusive advertising experience for users visiting a website, and increasing the likelihood of users interacting with the advertisement since it has contextual relevance to them.
Advertisers enjoy the popular Pay Per Click pricing model, and by setting a daily maximum budget, which manages expenditure, Ad Dynamo welcomes both small and large advertisers alike.
Over and above traditional contextual advertising, Ad Dynamo supports other advertising channels and has recently launched support for MXit advertising.
The FutureAd Dynamo currently serves ads on over 155,000 unique web pages in South Africa, delivering over 40 Million ads per month. Ad Dynamo has secured a number of key website publishers and continues to expand its presence in the contextual ad delivery market place.
Ad Dynamo is poised to expand its offering on an International scale.
Sean Riley says: “We are pleased to have attracted venture capital funding from a VC fund as highly regarded as InVenFin. Not only do they bring capital, but access to an International business network and huge experience in commercialization. The investment allows Ad Dynamo to introduce its advertising technology into new global markets and to continue innovating its product offering.”